Make Smarter Money Moves

Get the financial news, trends, & education to be a smarter investor and build more wealth.

Financial News, Trends, & Education At Your Fingertips

We do the research so you don’t have to!

Financial News

Market Briefs is our free daily newsletter for regular investors. Stay up to date on the economy, real estate, stocks, crypto, and the global economy.

Financial Education

Learn to be better with your money, one Journey at a time. Briefs Academy gives you access to our suite of financial education Journeys (what we call classes).

Business Briefs

Our newsletter for founders, entrepreneurs, and business owners. Learn trade secrets, business trends, and funding ideas so you can grow your business.

Financial Trends

Financial Trends Smart investors don’t chase financial trends, they stay ahead of them. Market Briefs Pro is our premium macroeconomic newsletter that keeps you ahead of the financial trends.

Business Briefs

Our newsletter for founders, entrepreneurs, and business owners. Learn trade secrets, business trends, and funding ideas so you can grow your business.

We ditched the suits, but kept the Briefs

Being Smart Is Finally Fun

Remember your boring Econ class in college? That's not us.

We’re a team of sarcastic professionals in Detroit, Michigan who love writing Briefs in the comfort of our briefs.

Make Smarter Decisions

While we can’t force you to put down that donut, we can keep you educated. Our team is scouring the financial markets so you don’t have to. Plus, when you go Pro, we’ll work to keep you financially educated and ahead of financial trends.

We can’t tell you what to do, but we can help you be a smarter investor.

Read LESS News

Consuming more content doesn’t make you smarter. Consuming the right content does. There are over 93,000 articles published online every single day. We research what’s important for you.

We’re here to save you time so you can focus on the important things, like organizing your briefs.